Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Fratele Manuchian Ioan 5

A brother from church sharing from John 5.

Fratele Manuchian -Ioan 5 from Jonathan DeSeno on Vimeo.

Fratele Manuchian -Ioan 5 Bucuresti, Romania

Monday, November 9, 2009

Interviu cu doi studenti la teologie despre moastele Sfantului Dimitrie - Mitropolie

Un interviu cu doi studenti la teologie despre moastele Sfantului Dimitrie.
http://ateilor.wordpress.com/ This is a video we made the other day. God is so good to us.
May He save these young men, and many others who are lost.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fratel Manuchian- Evrei 7

One ot the brothers from Church preaching through Hebrews. This is from Chapter 7. In Romanian.

Fratele Manucian- Evrei 7 from Jonathan DeSeno on Vimeo.

Fratele Manucian- Evrei 7
Bucuresti, Romania

Some kinda encouraging news.

Click here to read the seemingly good news. I hope this lady is truly saved.