Thursday, November 6, 2008

Fighting Abortion... with Stickers

Here in Romania, more than 70% of pregnancies end in the wicked murderous practice of abortion. My wife wrote a good book on the subject, yet we desire to do more. Recently the idea came to us to order some stickers from a great abortion website: . We then wrote our email and/or a Christian website on them. Yesterday Cladiu and I put some up in prominent places in Unirii. People put all kind of things up, including sensual pictures and terrible advertisements. So we we took the liberty to place ours as well. Even right over some evil stickers, which I'm not posting a picture of. We waited till later at night to do it so there would be less people, and therefore less likely to have a problem. Yet during the day these locations are full full with people. May the Lord use them for His glory, the salvation of the lost, and the saving of innocent children's lives.
While putting up a sticker, some young men asked me if it was a new club. I told them no, it's a web-site. I showed them the pink 'n' blue tracts, then shared the gospel with them.

Andrea and I are thinking how good it would be to make our own stickers for the Romanian sites. We're also hoping to add Andrea's writing's on abortion to the site. I'm also adding a picture of our new baby Hannah to remind you that many beautiful children, like her are being killed here. Literally more than 7 out of 10. We'd appreciate your prayers. May the Lord use you for His glory.

1 comment:

drobul de sare said...

great pictures!!
Praise the Lord!